A browser picker for the Linux desktop
As a user of multiple browsers, a very common use-case is opening a specific browser depending on the target URL. For example if you use Google Workspaces at work you might want to open Google specific links in Google Chrome, while keeping Firefox as your "main" browser. In macOS there's a very cool utility called Choosy that does exactly what I'm describing, but I couldn't find anything in Linux. Fortunately it can be replicated rather easily.
I've posted the instructions as a gist if you're interested on having the same functionality for you.
How it works
The full implementation consists on three parts:
- A way to trigger our code when a link is clicked.
- A way to define which URLs should open in which browser.
- A way to decide and control which browser is opened depending on the link URL that was clicked.
Triggering code when a link is clicked
We can do this by creating a .desktop
file. I named mine "Choosy"
just to keep things consistent, but feel free to use whatever
name. To the desktop environment this will be our "browser" but in
reality it will simply invoke a script that we create.
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Browser Chooser
Comment=Choose what browser to use for specific links
Exec=choosy %u
The important bits are the `Exec` and `MimeType` properties. With `Exec` we control what to execute when a link is clicked, and with `MimeType` we let the desktop environment (Gnome, KDE or others) know that this application of ours should be available as an alternative browser choice.
Create this desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications/
, log out
and log back in and you should be able to find it listed as an
option for default browser. For example in Gnome it will be listed
under Settings - Details - Default Applications - Web.
Define which URLs should open in which browser
I keep two sets of URLs for different matching types. I'm interested in matching both exact URLs like https://www.mozilla.org and also partial URLs such as drive.google.com or app.gotomeeting.com.
Create two files ~/.config/url-start.txt
matches partial URLs, not considering the protocol,
URI or parameters.
matches exact URLs. If the protocol. URI or parameters
change it won't match.
Decide and control which browser to open
To tie it all together is a bash script. The script receives the URL and compares it with the values found in the lists above. Depending on where it's found one browser or the other is selected.
DOMAIN=$(echo "$URL" | awk -F[/:] '{print $4}')
## Domain starts with
if [[ $DOMAIN =~ $(echo ^\($(paste -sd'|' /home/your-user/.config/url-start.txt)\)$) ]]; then
chromium-browser "$URL" & disown
elif [[ $DOMAIN =~ $(echo ^\($(paste -sd'|' /home/your-user/.config/url-is.txt)\)$) ]]; then
firefox "$URL" & disown
firefox "$URL" & disown
The logic itself is very simple, the most complex part is parsing
the files. It's also very easy to extend: say you want another list
of URLs, ones that should always open in another browser such as
Nyxt. Simply create another list, name it url-nyxt.txt
and add
another elif
block. Each block is evaluated in order, so if the
URL is found in other files it will be matched by the block that is
found first.
Closing Remarks
And that's it, an ersatz Choosy that's as simple or complex as you want. Happy Hacking!